Bleeding Edge News

Cresilon’s Traumagel, which can stop bleeding from wounds in seconds, is already being looked at for future uses by the Department of Defense. [More]

Will it be available to the Militia of the whole people?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Bleeding Edge News”

  1. Just another tool for trauma treatment. Not a miraculous cure. It’s proper use will still require knowledge and training along with PROPER follow up care and frequently surgery. As with ALL medical interventions the key is NOT the device but the knowledge on how it works and how to effectively use it. For anyone interested in expedient trauma care I say GET PROPER TRAINING. In an emergency you will not have time to read the brochure or do a Google search. Immediate proper actions are the key to effective and safe intervention. That comes from training and experience. Volunteer as an EMT if possible. Nothing will teach you the fundamentals as quickly and properly as real world experience.

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