2 thoughts on “Bullet Points”

  1. Belton Flintlock



    Not only were some of the founders aware of repeating firearms, they placed an order for 100 units but then declined to complete the purchase due to the asking price.

    I get an urge to chuckle whenever one of our current crop of Beltway mental midgets decide to opine on what the Founders could or could not have imagined.

    “Shoulder thing that goes up” indeed!

  2. also in existence for at least a decade or more prior to Lexington/Concord was the astounding Girondoni rifle (may have mis-spelt the name). It was air-powered, the magazine could hold up to forty ball, and though it took some time to operate the hand-driven air pump to “load” the rifle, once prepared one could fire forty rounds in rapid succession, each round once fired makes way for the next, which is ready for the next trigger pull immediately. It could be fired at a rate of at least four rounds per minute with considerable accuracy and range. It was VERY dear, but when considered in the pattern of today’s military “toys” was actually a screaming bargain.
    Perhaps the original “assault weapon” capable of rapid fire, and having a magazine capacoty a third again the much-dreaded thirty in the “standard capacity” mag of the AR and AK pattern rifles.
    I have been waiting to see when the first guy will stand up in front of some congressional Committee and present an in depth report on this “weapon of war”. After all, WHO would prefer to go into battle with anything less than a “weapon of war”? Of COURSE I want the latest greatest and bestest my meagre income will provide. Not all of us can afford a belt-fed BMG 50. But most anyone can afford an entry level AR and a dozen or so “standard capacity” magazines. Oh, and I hope the “shoulder thing that goes up” will be included in that “entry level” model. Wouldn’t want The Wicked Witch of the West Anti-Nannie to feel left out.

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