Burden of Proof

…they have no database, they have no digital way, they have no searchable function, they just have someone that goes manually piece by piece by piece looking for a serial number amongst a billion two-page documents, front and back, and they found it in 30 minutes… [Watch]

Here’s the CNN piece.

Sorry, I don’t doubt there are violations, but I’m not buying this as proof. ATF didn’t have to go through billions of records. They knew the manufacturer and the serial number ID’d FFL it was sent to and the date, and since the business had closed and ATF had its records on site, a search with several people looking could very well have been done in that time. If it was still an active FFL, inspectors going to the shop would have taken a bit longer, but they’d have still gotten it done in short order.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Burden of Proof”

  1. The American people DON’T WANT FedGov to be able to instantly put a serial number into a computer and immediately know who the legal owner of that firearm is. They have expressed that wish through their elected representatives.

    THAT’S how a republic works!

    The gun grabbers can suck on that!

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