4 thoughts on “By Any Other Name”

  1. Lawsuits aimed at the teacher, principal and all the school board members will make such abuse of power too risky. Students have 1A rights. Trick is finding an honest court room.

    1. Yep. Put it on the teacher and administrators to show where the student was factually incorrect.

      Are they an “alien”? Yes, they were not born here, they had to come here.
      Are they “illegal”? Yes, they have not emigrated by legal means, having bypassed all legitimate methods of residing here legally.

      Thus, “illegal alien” is a factual description. The fact the phrase, for whatever reason, is politically charged does not change that, nor does it affect the student’s 1A right to speak his mind.

  2. I’m so old I remember when language was used to communicate information, not to obscure it.

  3. this young MAN is ten times smarter and level headed than ALL the school admin clowns who have pounced upon him unjustly

    Mum should seriously threaten them all unless they slam things into reverse gear, quickly. Clean his record. Now.

    I would be asking the school admin how many of the students in that room actually ARE “illegal aliens” and why they are hiding the fact.

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