Cruising for a Bruising

These people wanted this deer hunter to leave their neighborhood, because he was hunting deer. [More]

What an ignorant punk that presumptive father is. He’s going to FAFO with the wrong guy some day. And if he’s lucky, all he’ll do is cry.

I would never talk to another man that way because I was raised in a time when such obnoxiousness would have provoked a physical response. Anyone who knows the first thing about real confrontations knows if you can avoid them you should try, and if you can’t, you do what you gotta do. And even if you win you can lose.

Bitchy Beta Male, aside from being a hypocrite, is too stupid to realize his own son has no respect for him, as evidenced by the way the little $h!+ swore at the hunter. Feral sons Uday and Qusay would have never talked to an adult that way, and especially would never have dared do so in my presence. That kid’s going to be (even more of) a problem later on, and Pudge is going to be clueless as to why.

[Via CP]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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