Desperation Looks Like This

Dems at War Over Secret SCOTUS Plot to Oust Sotomayor NOT AGAIN!Having spectacularly failed to get one woman elected to a top job, the Democratic Party is at odds over whether to push another woman out. [More]

This should be blockable if all Republicans stick together and militant Democrats let their feelings trump all.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Desperation Looks Like This”

  1. If the “wise latina” (sic) decides to step down there’s not much to be done to stop her. But it should be possible to stymie the replacement process till the Inauguration. This wasn’t hard to predict. The left want to replace the older commie justices (sic) with young healthy ones so they don’t lose their chance at controlling the courtin the future. I expect Thomas to retire after Trump takes office so that a more conservative replacement can be named. He’s not getting any younger.

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