Dial 911 and… Hello…?

Washington, D.C.’s 911 dispatch system is so broken that employees are reportedly being bribed with bonuses just for showing up to work. [More]

Where would we be without entitled government workers who act like showing up puts them out?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Dial 911 and… Hello…?”

  1. “Where would we be without entitled government workers who act like showing up puts them out?”

    I’m remembering when the DC mayor was a crack head. Might have been around the same time when DC cops had to buy tires for their patrol vehicles out of their own pockets.

    It’s up to the top leadership to set the policy, the middle ranks to organize their direct reports, and the “worker bees” to get the job done.

    And an affirmative termination policy for those who don’t regardless of what rank they hold.

    DC’s problem is that none of that is happening.

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