Doing the Teen Rapes Non-Politicians, Non-Celebrities, and Non-Billionaires Won’t Do

Biden Signs Another Useless Border Executive Order as Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape of NYC Teen Girl [More]

Stopped by “vigilantes”

So when are they going to put two and to together? Are they even capable of it?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Doing the Teen Rapes Non-Politicians, Non-Celebrities, and Non-Billionaires Won’t Do”

  1. “So when are they going to put two and to together? Are they even capable of it?”

    Is math still racist?

  2. All non citizens convicted of crimes should be deported after doing time, and certain crimes should without a doubt carry the death penalty. Any violent crime.
    If it wasn’t for fear of the government I would express what we as patriots should do to take back our country!

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