Et Tu, Elon?

Elon Musk combats anti-immigration sentiment in posts decrying ‘dire shortage’ of tech talent [More]

How will they vote once they exit the superhighway?

And Trump wants to include the DREAMers.

Nobody is talking about the utter failure of the unionized public education system and cultural Marxist academia to produce a capable and productive 21st century workforce. Look at the massive tax and private spending on “education” in this country and realize failing urban schools spend much more per capita than many highly rated school systems, with a prime difference reflecting Democrat constituencies and life choices made by infantile adults.

So foreign kids, raised under real poverty, can eat their lunch.

Instead, the billionaires are talking cheap labor and “guaranteed annual income” to keep a mob that would eat them distracted with entitlement and bull$h!+. As we, caught in the middle, have our country “transitioned” from under us, and so many of those are distracted with trivialities.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Et Tu, Elon?”

  1. I am a software developer. I worked for Microsoft.

    There is NO shortage of engineers.
    Finding a software developer job has always been hard in New York, New Jersey and the greater Seattle area, and I speak from real experience. I heard it’s the same problem anywhere in the country.

    There is a shortage of lower-IQ, slave-mentality, anti-gun, anti-individual freedom, pro-fascism degenerates whose narrow shoukders corporations stand on.
    Humans, on the other hand, struggle to get a decent job, regardless of experience.

    I got so fed up eith this IT swamp that I am working on my own project full-time now. I eould rather go back to low-pay entry-level jobs I had when I was 25 years younger than slave away for the inferior cretins from third-world shitholes.

    Screw them, and screw Elon effing Musk.

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