Et Tu, Truth Social?



Does anybody see anything particularly “sensitive” about a painting that hangs in the National Army Museum and illustrates the core reason behind “our beautiful Second Amendment”?

Yo, Donald Trump: Your platform was supposed to be different. (As was your presidency until you started up with bump stocks and “take the guns first/due process later.”)

Will sucking up for the Google Play app mean it’s not?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Et Tu, Truth Social?”

  1. Truth Social is marginally better about free speech than Facebook or twitter but you still can’t say or post whatever you want. I doubt Orange Man Bad even pays the slightest attention to how it is run.

    1. Actually, it’s proving to be marginally worse. Neither FB nor Twitter has ever flagged that link preview graphic– as a matter of fact, FB Debugger autoselects it over individual post graphics.

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