FOIA Request Issued to USPS to Determine Cause of Special AR-15 Delivery Delay

“This raises the questions of why the shipment was delayed and why it was completed so soon after that was reported,” the request notes. [More]

Funny, how quickly the shipment was back on track once postal inspectors were told there was a “missing” AR-15 in their system…

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “FOIA Request Issued to USPS to Determine Cause of Special AR-15 Delivery Delay”

  1. Amazing how efficient the government can become when someone knows how to track down responsibility! Great job catching the “mistake” being made.

  2. I’ve had a very similar situation as this when shipping a gun to myself, and it was resolved in a very similar manner. It just showed “in transit” for a week straight with no update. No change until I made a stink.
    My brother had one that they marked as missing after it hit his local post office but before delivery. He called right away, they tried to tell him to call this other number to make a claim. He said “Bullshit, you find my gun now cause the next number I’m calling is the G.D. ATF”. They had a truck make a special delivery to put that package on his doorstep in less than 2 hours. I guess the mailman cares about his own dogs.

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