For Those Who Aren’t Serious

I guess cities that don’t know what else to do and have money to waste on boondoggles like Shotspotter might try it, but it won’t be long before accusations of minorities being “overrepresented,” along with injury lawsuits, would soon make it untenable.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “For Those Who Aren’t Serious”

  1. The subject of “overrepresented” groups reminds me of an incident at TPC. (Those who have watched “The President’s Analyst” know who TPC is. The rest of you should go watch the movie.)

    In a rather tense meeting with a direct report and her union representative, the direct report exclaimed that she just wanted to be treated like everyone else. I suggested she try acting like everyone else and caught the union steward trying in vain to stifle a chuckle.

    Reflect on this one. How many of you readers have been to a funeral or a kindergarten birthday party that included a drive by shooting? None or not many?

    Yet among some groups those have become quite common. Those same groups then stand up and claim that they are unfairly “overrepresented” in the criminal justice system.

    Kinda makes you go all cross eyed don’t it?

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