Hanging Chad

Alvarado-Gil allegedly “had her pants pulled down” when Condit came back from the bathroom and told him, “‘I want you to kiss it and prove your loyalty,’” according to the affidavit. “Alvarado-Gil appeared to enjoy her power and demanded this show of ‘loyalty’ on several occasions.” [More]

I’m sorry, but this doesn’t pass the smell test in more ways than one. While she was allegedly getting face time from him, he was telling people this?

Maybe it’s because I’ve never known a man who would put up with this at work, but admittedly, I don’t hang out with any Democrat apparatchik males.

This seems more like a hit job motivated by her changing parties and personal revenge.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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