11 thoughts on “Help Wanted Inquire Within”

  1. Yes, I cannot comment on Facebook, looks like this works. Also thought we were friends?

    1. I don’t recall taking anyway off and if you’re “Robert L” with the Batmobile photo I’ll send a request.

  2. As per my email, I can see when following the link, but not by using my bookmark on my 4 browsers.

  3. I can see it by following the link from Mao Book but if I go to your site by browser the last update was May 20th.

    1. There were updates but a coding error set an old post at the top of the home page. I spent a couple hours last night working with tech support and hopefully it’s fixed.

  4. I was worried after I didn’t see any updates for several days! Glad it was just a coding error.

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