Here We Go Again

Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says [More]

Don’t expect all the Democrat politicians, celebrities, and trolls minimizing and ridiculing him for the last attempt to do anything but double down.

They want him dead and they’ll laugh.

If you support the agenda he campaigns on, they want you dead and they’ll laugh.

Now tone down your rhetoric!


Looks like a Lincoln Project-style “Never Trumper.”

Why wipe his social media accounts unless the intent is to curate what is allowed to be released? Kinda like what “No Notoriety” results in.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “Here We Go Again”

  1. Attempt two….this one appears to be a random amateur whack job. I expect at least one more effort…like the July attempt where the FBI and Secret Service will be complicit.

  2. (Update) themainwire:
    “This site is currently undergoing scheduled maintenance. Please try back soon!”

    His donation history has been released. 100% ActBlue. I wouldn’t put him in the Lincoln Project.

  3. How did he know to be at that spot on a Sunday afternoon when Trump did not tell anyone besides the secret service and his inner circle he would be playing golf then?

    How come the secret service didn’t catch this guy? He was arrested by deputies on I95 north after escaping the scene of the shooting. The local deputies only knew a vehicle description because someone took a photo of the car driving away and gave it to them.

    The person is absolutely a neo-con nutjob on Ukraine. Totally obsessed with all of the Ukraine talk and hated Russia. It’s possible the media and politicians radicalized him, but how did he know to be at the chain link fence by the 5th hole just a few mins before Trump? This event looks at least as bad as the PA attempt, and in some ways worse. Both “lone nuts” managed to be in the right place at the right time, eh?

  4. If one truly believed that Donald Trump was an existential threat to our form of government, and that all means should be used to deny him regaining the Presidency, why wouldn’t they try to kill him?

    The Left has been spouting that hyperbole now since he was inaugurated the first time. Maxine Waters was shouting “Impeach 45” before the 2016 election was even held. So who can say that they’re really surprised that the Left’s own low hanging fruit isn’t taking the hype as gospel?

    What got me last night was the talking heads bemoaning that this could be happenng so close to the election like that made any difference at all.

    Who in their right mind thinks the Left will give up trying to get rid of Trump after November 5?

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