History Repeats Itself

Border Patrol in California Seizes 25 AK-Style Rifles Destined for Mexican Cartel [More]

So if Californians got the rifles in Arizona, how did they get around this?

Federal law does permit rifles or shotguns (not handguns) to be sold to non-resident buyers in other states. However, this does not apply to Californians. The thorn is that federal law requires FFLs to only sell in compliance with the buyer’s state laws.

And you’ll note no one is talking about the obvious solution…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “History Repeats Itself”

  1. At risk of being repetitious; why would cartel buyers spend more on rifles in US and add the costs of delivery when they can likely get some at the back doors of Mex military and police armories?

    Or did these low swinging fruit decide to buy and sell on speculation of wealth untold?

    BTW, where is Mr. Holder these days?

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