Home Defense-Free Zone

Homeowners in Irving initially came up with the idea of shooting and killing the pigs, but then realized they should not be firing a gun at the animals in a suburban neighborhood. “My first thought was, like, well, I can go shoot them,” Mendez said. “But I’m like, yeah, I’m in a neighborhood. I can’t just go out there and start blasting.” [More]

No, not just “blasting,” but then again, what qualified hunter would characterize it that way? Would he say the same thing if it was a feral human threatening him, and settle for “slingshots and clapping two pieces of wood”?

As long as Cooper’s rules are adhered to, what’s the problem? Who died and made this guy the arbiter of appropriate responses to be selected for national amplification?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Home Defense-Free Zone”

  1. Add neighborhood Karens and HOAs to the mix and I sympathize. I have family in this exact position.
    Sometimes there’s no substitute for a hardy compound bow or crossbow.

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