Homerphobia on Rise in UK

British University Issues Trigger Warning on Greek Mythology [More]

I understand. I’ve suffered PTSD from The Odyssey myself.

I was six or seven, and saw Ulysses with Kirk Douglas. The Cyclops scared the hell out of me, and I remember waking up that night crying from a bad dream about it.

These students are the emotionally disturbed equivalents of first or second graders. Like the saying goes, it’s a mental disorder. They are children, unworthy heirs of the terrible sacrifices that ended up enabling them to “grow” into entitled collectivist weaklings deserving of the replacements they are demanding.

Speaking of Polyphemus, he’s a regular in these parts, usually brought up when talking about Quislings, Fudds, and “compromisers” willing to obey him if he eats them last.

The rest of us are heating up sharpened stakes in the fire.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Homerphobia on Rise in UK”

  1. I had an epiphany yesterday after indulging in some online material that was way too left for comfort, that the fringies have been fervently plying the term “neurodiversity” in an attempt to ennoble the condition of being delusional.

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