I’m Just a Little Black Raincloud

I hate to be Eeyore, but with all the hyperbole and excitement I’m seeing about national Constitutional Carry reciprocity, it doesn’t seem out of line to ask the gushers and the click baiters to provide a realistic estimate of whose votes we can count on, and which “Republicans” will join with the slim Democrat minority to keep the bill from getting to the president’s desk.

No one would like my caution to be proven unfounded more than me. The last thing I want to see with such great expectations is the wind taken out of everyone’s sails.

Anyone care to help me jump on the bandwagon?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “I’m Just a Little Black Raincloud”

  1. I can remember when this actually came up for a vote a few years back. the vote was no doubt staged to look good but just shy of the 60-vote threshold needed to pass.

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