Do We Still Have to Pretend the 2020 Election Was ‘Free and Fair’? [More]
I don’t think he’s asking me…
[Via bondmen]
Author: admin
David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.
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Some of the Left are still insisting that Bush 43 stole both of his elections. When that changes maybe we can start having serious discussions about 2020 et al.
But the overarching goal should be that NO ONE can steal an American election.
Bush won Florida, and because of that, the Presidency, by 537 votes.
Hell, even a fool like Jerry Nadler could throw 537 bogus votes into our current system(s).
Jesse Watters has aired videos of a Connecticut woman stuffing that many bogus ballots into drop boxes by the fist full.
Were elections thrown due to the efforts of her and others like her? It will be a tough row to hoe to convince the American people that they weren’t.