It’s My Party and I’ll Leave If I Want To

It was a party that fought for civil liberties and rights, remembering how neighbors and friends were thrown in Japanese internment camps during World War II, their freedoms taken away in an instant. It was a party inspired by JFK and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who showed us what is possible when we as Americans come together. [More]

It was the party that threw those citizens into the camps and led the filibuster against the Civil Rights Act.

I welcome the noises she’s making but I still don’t trust her.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “It’s My Party and I’ll Leave If I Want To”

  1. Nor should anyone trust someone who has a sudden, radical change in a position that seems to coincide neatly with her remaking of her image to get gigs on Fox News and maybe a role in a future Trump administration. I’ve been warning people about her but there are a lot of thirst Gun-Boomers who are easily swayed by a pretty chick.

  2. “I welcome the noises she’s making but I still don’t trust her.”


    And we shouldn’t.

    The old line about “Listen to what they say (if you must) but always watch what they do” is still as true as it ever was.

    She needs to spend some time in “double secret probation” before her change of heart can be taken seriously.

  3. Didn’t have to click to know it is Gabbard.

    Sorry Tulsi, your comments reek of positions of convenience given your prior stands which you have not repudiated.


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