It’s Not an ‘Either/Or’

The Second Amendment Cannot Override First Amendment Rights. [More]

No one but a gaslighting liar would suggest that it can.

And that door swings both ways.

The ignorance and paranoia these evil bastards are spreading has no legitimate claim on our rights.

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “It’s Not an ‘Either/Or’”

  1. “Bruen’s reaffirmation of the presumptive constitutionality of excluding firearms in “sensitive places” recognizes the government’s authority to protect “a public sphere for democratic dialogue, democratic governance, and the reproduction of democratic community in which people can relate freely without intimidation or coercion.”

    Now, let’s discuss the “intimidation and coercion” potential of government agents being permitted to be armed during these deliberations, while no one else is.

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