It’s That Time Again

The grass is up over my ankles and we’re expecting rain over the weekend. That means if I don’t do it now it will be so high it’ll take me twice as long, and it’s already a 3+ hour job.

I see no shortage of inbox tips already awaiting attention. I’ll get to what I can when I’m back in my chair this afternoon.

Please hold off on sending in more because I just won’t be able to get to it.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “It’s That Time Again”

  1. I find in intriguing that your weather forecast is so much more accurate than the folks who continually cry wolf on the Weather Channel. Maybe it’s because you’ve got skin in the game?

  2. So, Mr. Bondmen, my arch nemesis who always scoops me, we meet at last. You will rue the day! 😀

    David, maybe you should look into getting a goat 🐐. 😬

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