The Austin, Texas-based Liberty Justice Center on Jan. 7 filed a lawsuit on behalf of two truck drivers against the state of Minnesota, arguing that the state’s failure to recognize other states’ firearm permits violates the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The lawsuit aims to defend the two truckers’ constitutional right to bear arms in public and carry them in their trucks across state borders. [More]
And not just truckers from the looks of things…
[Via Jess]
Considering that long-haul truckers’ rigs are basically homes-away-from-home while they’re on the road, one would think no permit would be required. Minnesota could rectify this as narrowly as possibly simply by making that distinction. The only other people it might apply to in that case are full-time RV lifestylists.
Or they can fight it and possibly get that precedent that a CCW permit falls under the “Full Faith and Credit” clause of the U.S. Constitution — the “Supreme Law of the Land” — and so a permit issued in one State MUST be honored in ALL States. (The question of the Constitutionality of requiring a permit to bear arms isn’t currently on the table; that’s a case for another time.)