
Some libertarians argue that libertarianism requires support for “open borders,” but this is a mistake. [More]

By “some,” he means the Party.

Not one of them has ever dared answer my challenge.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Libertardians”

  1. The irony is that Rothbard was the founder of the modern day libertarian movement after combining anti-war, pro civil liberty, and against economic central planning. He previously had supported open borders based on the free market principle of labor being able to move freely to jobs.

    However, after the Soviet Union collapsed, rothbard witnessed ethnic Russians immigrating en masse to some of the former small republics who were decidedly anti-Russian in ethnicity and culture to permanently change the demographics of those nations. After Rothbard saw that mass immigration can be used as a demographic weapon against the people, he became firmly anti mass immigration.

    Hoppe also makes the point that if immigration were under a 100% private property based system, it would be extremely closed off and limited because only a property owner could bring immigrants to their land. They would also be 100% responsible for them financially, unlike the middle class taxpayers footing the bill these days to subsidize cheap labor for the Zuckerbergs of the world.

    Not by coincidence, Rothbard and Hoppe are viciously attacked by the low tax liberals at places like Cato and the Reason Magazine DC circle “libertarians.”

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