Make Sure Chris Cox’s New ‘Secure Our Freedom’ Group Doesn’t Also Secure More Gun Control

While the case could be made that you need to start people out slowly and get them to dip their toes into the pool and splash around a bit before wading into deeper waters, couching the Second Amendment exclusively in “self-defense” terms limits the right and invites infringements. And Cox has supported plenty of those in his tenure at NRA. [More]

He’s right about the need. But is he the right person for the job?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Make Sure Chris Cox’s New ‘Secure Our Freedom’ Group Doesn’t Also Secure More Gun Control”

  1. I’m so old, I remember when NRA introduced the periodical American Guardian, oriented towards self-defense owners, to complement their age-old American Hunter and American Rifleman (competition shooter) titles. The experiment lasted exactly one year, after which the magazine unceremoniously disappeared. The cowardly NRA had no taste for defending self-defense ownership against leftist criticism of the magazine.

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