Merry Christmas, 2024

I thank all of you who have given me the gift of your time and wisdom, whether it has been by sending me stories to help illustrate the preciousness of rights endowed by our Creator, by sending a word of encouragement, by educating and helping me grow (either by confirming or correcting my assumptions), or by sharing my links, encouraging me to continue the work.

My Christmas wish for you is that you have as much love in your life as I have been fortunate to find in mine. It surely beats all the riches in the world.

Now: What in the world are you doing here?

It’s Christmas. And if you don’t celebrate it, indulge those of us who do.

Go be with the ones you love. If there is no one you love, go fix that. Go do something loving for someone.

Merry Christmas.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

2 thoughts on “Merry Christmas, 2024”

  1. “Now: What in the world are you doing here?”

    I do not presume to speak for others. But as for me, I’m here to return your Christmas wishes to you and yours, and to all of those on “our side of the aisle.”

    I would also like to make a Christmas wish that those not on our side could be brought over to realize that there cannot be freedom, at least not for long, where there isn’t the heartfelt desire, coupled with the ability, to defend that freedom, from anyone who would threaten it.

    Merry Christmas, Folks!

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