One thought on “Mugged Liberals”

  1. We just commemorated the anniversary of the launch of “Operation Overlord”, the mass invasion of Festung Europa by allied forces, sometimes referred to as D-Day.* Much was said on our media about the sacrifices of those who went ashore on Utah and Omaha beaches. Not so much about those who did much the same on Juno, Gold, and Sword.

    My wife, who’s father spent much of early June in 1944 flying a P51 over those same beaches, was shocked to find out that much of that assault force were Canadians.

    I’m thinking that today’s Canada doesn’t bear much of a resemblance to the Canada those troops came from in 1944. And the world’s opinion of Canadians has shifted to match.

    Recent reports suggest that Canada might reach it’s NATO commitment to spend 2% of GDP on mutual defense by 2035. Meanwhile internal reports say that 50% of Canada’s existing military hardware is not combat ready.

    Brings new meaning to the title of their anthem: “Oh, Canada.”

    *Every US military operational plan includes timing referring to D day, H hour, and M minute. There were lots and lots of D days in American history, and will probably will be many more.

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