My Kind of Razzmatazz

“The vice mayor, a guy named Alderman Burnett, convicted of bank robbery, armed robbery, spent time in jail, he’s getting paid in addition to his aldermanic salary almost half a mil to be ‘vice mayor,’ which essentially has no duties or responsibilities other than waiting to possibly become mayor if something were to happen to Mayor Johnson,” Kelly said. [More]

The servants throw the people out of their house– talk about disenfranchising voters. It’s hard to believe they elected a bigger dolt than Lori Lightfoot, but forget it, Jake, it’s Chi-Town.

The “Chicago Flips Red” T’s are an encouraging sign, but they need to get organized. That’d be a good inroad in terms of making RKBA one of their voting considerations. On the other hand, the guy holding the “Refuse to Accept a Fascist America” banner seems mad because illegals are competitors for the plunder and cut into his share, which means his faction is culpable for giving power to scoundrels and morons and will continue to do so.

Still, if it stirs up Democrat division, that’s a silver lining, especially since the screaming Cultural Marxists turn off everyone who’s not.

Related UPDATE

Chicago Mayor Johnson Goes on Attack Against the ‘Evilness’ of Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan [More]

Everything I said above…

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “My Kind of Razzmatazz”

  1. The t-shirts will flip blue just as fast, as soon as Chicago figures out how to bribe both tribes at the same time. Now they just have to find the money. Good thing we cashiered Kamala.

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