My Kind of Town

Chicago is one of the worst-run cities in US, study finds [More]

Hey, there’s some things they still lead in

Violent Father’s Day weekend in Chicago ends with at least 25 people shot in five hours early Monday

Forget it, Jake, it’s Chi-Town.

Who else is looking forward to the Democrat Convention?

[Via Steve T]

Related UPDATE

Chicago is so dangerous its progressive mayor has launched a new program to pay murder victims’ families $1,500 towards funeral costs [More]

Is it out of line to ask how much money this saves the taxpayers?

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “My Kind of Town”

  1. Let’s see: $1,500 per murder victim’s family, times 600 Chicago murder victims per year (conservatively; 2023 had 644 murders), comes to $900k.

    How many police officers could they hire — or retain — with that $900k?

    As a follow-up, where did this nearly-a-million-dollars come from? And why do I suspect it’s been “redirected” by “defunding” the Chicago PD?

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