Welcome to the new home for The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance. I came here because Blogspot, which I had happily used since 2005, decided to “unpublish” an innocuous piece with valid information that somehow ticked a censorship response, and I’m not about to put time into something that someone else can erase without even a means to contest it.
I’m learning how to use this site from scratch so please bear with me. Maybe I’ll get better as time goes by, but truthfully, I’m in this for the commentary and to promote my work, so the tech stuff will take a backseat.
Click here to visit my old WarOnGuns site.
Looks good – Congrats.
I couldn’t make the block WP stuff work, so I’m still using a “default” template for now.
Very awesome!
Lookin’ good, David!
👍🏻 Clean and Simple
Congratulations! Looking forward to the resumption of your honest perspectives.
Glad you moved off the old platform. Best of luck at your new location. Learning WordPress is pretty easy.
I like the look better than the old site for sure.
Simple and elegant.
And my RSS reader accepted your homepage URL and worked immediately!
Welcome looks good
New site noted and bookmarked.
Let’s hope this place doesn’t try to shut you down.
Using an iPad 4th Gen. Looks great to me!
Good move, David.
Keep doing God’s work please.
Glad you landed on your feet!