The greasy-lipped masters have to be laughing like hell as they reach across their table of plunder and rip off another drumstick… [More]
That links to my traditional Thanksgiving essay, first posted in 2000.
May your day be as filled with gratitude and love as much as mine has always been, and blessedly free from stupid people with no manners.
I have mixed feelings on the topic what you hinted at with “stupid people with no manners.”
1. My son had his first brush with prejudice and discrimination at the ripe old age of six. When the mother of his best neighborhood friend found out we had guns in the house she forbid her son from entering my property. She was not the least bit interested in any razzmatazz on safe storage. She didn’t care that ALL of them save one were unloaded and in a safe, and the one exception was the “gooks inside the wire” piece that was secured from young exploring fingers in a push button locking rack. She just didn’t care. I found about it when my son said his friend’s mom told the friend, “We don’t associate with gun owners.” The irony was that said friend, and his mom, were Jewish. If she had heard that I had told my son “We don’t associate with Jews”, she would have gone ballistic and rightly so.
2. If your neighbor is in the habit of storing his pistol in the oven, (Don’t laugh. There have been at least two recent incidents of rounds cooking off when the oven was preheated.) you don’t want to be in that dumba$$’s house, much less letting your kids play there.
“And that’s all I have to say about that.” — Forrest Gump
For those of you living in areas with marauding wild turkeys, remember that some consider that they’re mighty fine eating with a side of cornbread stuffing and another of green beans. If you’re leery of unloading on a turkey inside of city limits, the flat side of a shovel up side the head works pretty well for adjusting the attitude of said turkey.
For them, and all the rest of you, Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving David, hard to believe that freedom has been under attack, in the states that took great risk to revolt against a tyrant king, now reduced to the worst states in the union. Now these same states protect illegal immigrants and put american civilians in jail for exercising their constitutional rights.