No Guarantee

Prosecuting Trump will ruin our nation — and might not hold him accountable [More]

I wish I had faith the nation is not already ruined.

McCarthy must be picking up signals from the adults in the Democrat party who realize the blowback on what their uncontrollable mob is screaming for could be destructive to their interests. As for “raz[ing] the vital wall separating law enforcement from partisan politics” what the hell does this guy think we have now? And as for the “stolen election” being “baseless,” well, just because you throw out a ubiquitous talking point doesn’t mean it’s been impartially and definitively proven.

I do share his belief that Trump is so divisive he would be unelectable in ’24. On top of that, who among us, deep down, doesn’t believe the guy is the Professor Harold Hill of politics?

And by then the establishment Republicans will have had a chance to do nothing with their majority and not earn the confidence of the fickle public, independents, and just those sick of being betrayed who will stay home. The GOP needs a leader who believes in the same policies Trump espoused but can control the way he expresses and conducts himself.

I hope such a person who is sincere and can inspire exists.

Yeah, I know

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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