Oh, So Now They’re Our Friends?

Progressive Policy Backfire Turns Liberals Into Gun Owners [More]

Oh, bull$h!+.

I have a piece coming out on AmmoLand later today explaining why this is nothing to crow about.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

5 thoughts on “Oh, So Now They’re Our Friends?”

  1. Agreed. Take a look at any of the liberal gun owner groups on reddit or other social media. Want to guess who they overwhelmingly support in the election?

    They jump through hoops to justify Komrade Kamala. The liberal gun owners will claim she doesn’t mean what she is saying, she will be stopped in the Supreme Court, obama and biden never took their guns, the senate will stop it, and how she just wants to ban assault weapons, not what they own.

    I doubt even 5% of these new left wing gun owners mentioned will actually change their vote to Trump or any other Republican.

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