On a Need to Know Basis

New Video Shows Saudi Official Plotting 9-11 Attacks in Washington DC Prior to the Massacre of 3,000 Americans – FBI Has Been Holding the Video for Over 20 Years [More]


The FBI takes orders from DOJ. Whose interests in this country have been served over the last two decades?

And why should anyone believe they didn’t do their own share of plotting?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “On a Need to Know Basis”

  1. Fox news ran a multi-part special after 911 with Carl Cameron about the bizarre Israeli spying going on before 911. It involved Mossad spying on unlisted law enforcement home addresses, and how the patriot act was used to round up hundreds of them to be deported. Cameron even stated that the fbi official told him there was no way Israel could not have known about the attack in advance.

    Fox has scrubbed all references to this off of the internet, but there are a few uploaded versions in various places like odysee. It sure is strange how much evidence exists of Isreal, the Saudis, and a few Americans who appeared to know about 911 before it took place.

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