One Man Army!

A heavily armed white man who seemingly had enough guns, other weapons and ammunition to start a small war was quietly arrested on the campus of a historically Black university (HBCU) in North Carolina … [More]


Police said they discovered two handguns, two shotguns, one rifle, a crossbow, a machete, stun gun, hatchets, knives, choking devices, pepper spray, a blow dart gun, brass knuckles, and other weaponry in his vehicle. They also said he had more than 1,000 rounds of various ammunition.

I wonder if NewsOne has ever heard the word “hyperbole”…

[Via 1Gat]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “One Man Army!”

  1. These snowflakes would really freak if they ever saw what I load in my hatch when I’m on the way to teach “NRA Home Firearm Safety.” And that’s a non-shooting course.

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