Onward Christian Soldiers

‘Christian Warrior Training’ explodes as churches put faith in guns amid a surge in violent attacks – but some congregants are worried [More]

You’ll note the “worried” ones have no solutions.

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Onward Christian Soldiers”

  1. About ten years ago I arrived,by car, in San Antonio on a Sunday morning and, checking the time, knew I’d be able to join friends in town for their mteing. Knowing it was then legal for me to carry in Texas even in church, I left my piece on my hip. Connected with some friends inside, meeting started. Within but two inutes, and without ANY visual clues, I had the pastor pegged as carrying,. As things went on, one after another I pegged all the elders as also carrying. Fine. Then a few of the women just “felt” like they were also carrying. No heavy mood, no nervousness, just an overwhelming sense f peace and confidence.
    After meeting as the meal prep began, I noticed a middle aged man leaning with his back to a stretch of wall, his Bermuda shorts making his tin let blatantly obvious. Manner and bearing told me his own leg got left behind in ‘Nam. There were a few younger men, 20’s and 30’s chatting with him. Though I never saw the slightest visual clue that any individual was armed, I sensed that the lart=ger part of the group WERE indeed armed. So at table I asked one of my male friends there. He laughted. ALL the elders, all their wives but one, two thirds of the men and half of the women of legal age to carry DO carry all the time. No real surprise….. after what I’d seen and sensed. The chap who left his left leg in ‘Nam did indeed suffer his injuries there. Green Beret. He is on pension from military, so no financial worries, but has dedicated his tome and knowledge to train anyone who wants to be trained. HE is the one who has trained and equipped nearly all the members of that congregation, and has done the same for other churches in the San Antonio area. I believe he does most of this at no charge. I did have opportunity to chat him up after the meal, being intorduced by one of my friends there. (not that anything would have stopped me just going up to him, extending the right hand of fellowship, and taking it frm there).

    And at my former little church here in my hometown I had to push to “be allowed” to carry there. A few folks got “skeered” when they accidentally saw the butt of my carry gun. The order to leave that outside was issued….. and I politely resisted. And refused. And continued to carry. I suspect one uppity couple who had been visiting us for a few weeks, stopped coming… the pressure for me to disarm came not long after they started coming. I had decided it was I come armed or I do not come. Never told them that, but had they pushed that’s what would have come out. They grudgingly accepted “my little friend” on my hip.

    Church security IS a big deal, especially in the larger cities. Glad to see it being systematically and excellently developed.

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