One thought on “Patience…”

  1. A quick humorous anecdote on the general subject of patience.

    My wife was working in the IT staff of a local hospital. They ran an IBM mainframe which one day crapped out, as computers sometimes do. IBM dispatched a tech who determined that a critical part was fried, and that the closest spare was in New York. Arrangements were made to have said part flown to Miami. It would not be available for several hours, and it might be a while after that before the computer was again computing.

    But management, in their infinite wisdom, decided that the IT staff, who now had nothing to do, had to stay on site because a miracle might occur and the computer return to service all on its own. So the IT staff decided the correct thing to do was to send out for wine and pizza.

    In the midst of the wine and pizza party, the admissions desk called to find out why their terminals weren’t working and were told that the computer was down and not coming up any time soon. To which the nurse on the phone told a slightly inebriated programmer that the computer had to be returned to service and like right then. After all, they had patients that needed to be admitted.

    Now the programmer could have reminded the nurse that the admissions department had established downtime procedures and that they should get them out and follow them but nooooooo.

    He told her “Just tell the patients to be patient.”

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