
The story isn’t that these are feds. Everyone knows that by now. The story is, as it often is, why? Why would the feds run an op like this? Ask yourself that question. You won’t like the answers. [More]


They’re not Feds. I used to think they were too. Like January 6th, our side lives in a bubble and we fault to acknowledge the real ugly right flank of our movement [More]

I suppose if someone had the time to investigate they could join and see where that leads. Or perhaps simpler, surreptitiously follow the truck they load the flags in…

In any case, it’s not the “far right” flank.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Point/Counterpoint”

  1. I used to think the “Far Right” wrapped around and met with the “Far Left” at some political version of The International Date Line.

    But I’ve since been informed that there is no “Far Left.”

    And that part about “Nazi” being short for “Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei?*” Well that’s just another lie ginned up by the MAGA Republicans.

    *National Socialist German Workers’ Party

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