Raising Voice

Providing videotape copies of House and Senate floor proceedings for a fee to members of the U.S. Congress is an additional role of the Public Services Office. When not used for political or commercial purposes, congressional floor proceedings are made available to senators and congressmen as well as to the public. [More]

I presume we’ve all scene the video of the Hughes Amendment voice vote.

Is anybody out there a high tech sound recording authority?

Stipulating that I’m way outside my wheelhouse, does Congress have a cleaner copy of the audio, and would it be possible using isolation software, AI and whatever to credibly determine the number of voices responding?

They say there are no stupid questions, and I am on a lifelong mission to disprove that.

Has anybody already tried this? If so, when, and have technological capabilitied improved since then?

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

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