Set Your Sights Higher Next Time

The clerk said this happened a few times, and the man kept fumbling around with his gun in his pants, until it went off and he shot himself in the butt. [More]

Naturally, he’s someone proven to the system who can’t be trusted with a gun out with a stolen one.

Is the last sentence about police not chasing him down supposed to be a joke becaause he’s in the hospital?

[Via Jess]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Set Your Sights Higher Next Time”

  1. “Officers found the vehicle and pulled over the man’s girlfriend. She turned over his gun, which he had stashed in the car.”
    What? What? It was a hospital, there was a “no guns” sign on the door!

    I think the last sentence means, “Forget it, Jake it’s Seattle.”

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