Shell Game

The deputy sheriff told school officials that J.S. had committed no crime by possessing spent shell casings. The youth, the deputy said, had done nothing wrong. However, the principal ignored the deputy’s claims and called the student’s parents, who arrived about 40 minutes later. The parents were told to take their child home and wait for a phone call. [More]

That kid just got an education that’ll stick with him.

[Via Michael G]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

3 thoughts on “Shell Game”

  1. Odds are the school district will stack the jury with brain dead karens and beat the lawsuit. Useful intelligent people don’t generally serve on juries, especially in civil cases.

  2. how on earth did the shell casings come to light?
    did the kid show them off or were they spotted when he opened the bag to get some change out?

  3. My father-in-law was a USAF O6 “Full Bird” Colonel. When we buried him at Arlington, the firing party didn’t police their brass. But my 4 year old son did. When we went through screening to board the aircraft home, TSA got a little fussy about a 4 year old boy with a pocket full of expended 7.62×51 NATO blanks.

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