Should Be Easy Enough to Determine

“They sell weapons to drug cartels… the fact is that the Ukrainian military sells a huge percentage, up to half of the weapons we send them. And this is not my guess. This is a fact. Not speculation. They sell it, and a lot of it ends up with drug cartels on our border. So this is a crime,” Carlson said, quoted by RIA Novosti. [More]

If true, it should be provable from “crime scene” serial numbers, like in Fast and Furious . If not, a correction and apology are in order.

So… is anybody else looking into it?

[Via bondmen]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Should Be Easy Enough to Determine”

  1. “So… is anybody else looking into it?”

    I know!

    Let’s get BATFE to do it. Aren’t they in charge of tracing guns?


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