
The AI technology creates a fake by analyzing a sampling of an audio clip of the person it wants to mimic. It uses its ability to interpret incredible amounts of data to take note of multiple characteristics of the person’s voice, allowing it to make a highly realistic fake. [More]

So the thespitron is now a reality.

As the masses have been conditioned to demand entertainment rather than art, and production incentives are to go with what works and what’s cheapest, the influence of “Hollywood stars” should dwindle. Considering their politics, no great loss there.

And it’s fair to wonder at what point the legal claims of heirs will collide with the same copyright exemptions that make Steamboat Willie and Pooh fair game.

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Simulacrum”

  1. AI is a misnomer, they are not autonomous, they only can do what they are programed to do. Please don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that electronics can, or ever will develop intelligence on their own. that is out of terminator.

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