3 thoughts on “Stop Me if You’ve Heard This One Before”

  1. During the Obama era, there were rumors about an internal document that suggested the Democrats should stop catering to the white working class due to demographic trends.

    The fact that mention of those rumors have disappeared from the web lend some perverse credibility to them not being mere rumors.

    Getting something to disappear from the web takes a lot of horsepower, yet it is possible. Images of those poor souls that chose to jump to certain death from World Trade Center windows on 9/11 used to be easily found on the web. No more.

    Don’t even waste your time looking for those shots of Paris Hilton exiting a limo with Britny Spears, her then BFF, “revealing” that she sometimes went out clubbing “commando.” Apparently Ms. Hilton’s staff knows how to get such things to go away.

    And she’s not the only one.

    Obama — “I need those rumors about the white working class being expendable to go away.”

    DSM — “Rumors? What rumors, Sir?”

    Obama — “And make sure they stay gone.”

    DSM — “On it, Sir!”

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