SWAT, Me Worry?

School district attorney Neil Rombardo told the judge that campus administrators had a duty to take tips seriously to protect the safety of the 1,600 students at Reno High… [More]

It does. And that means tracking down and prosecuting the liars.

[Via Remarks]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “SWAT, Me Worry?”

  1. “He also noted he has been the target of other incidents he termed “bullying situations” that he traced to … his work with Democratic party candidates…
    [He] is a member of Students Demand Action, a national group aiming to end gun violence in schools…
    Jeff Gorelick characterized a state Department of Education hotline called SafeVoice — established in 2017 after approval from the [Nevada] Legislature — as “an unthinking system” that grants anonymity to bullies.”

    Am I a bad person for thinking that this is an enimently appropriate lesson in saucemaking for this particular gander?

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