Ah, one of those “very competent” H-1Bs…
[Via WiscoDave]
Notes from the Resistance
H-1Bs not just for tech workers but for Maître d’s and waiters? Why not hotel maids, too, and they can all join the Democrat-enabling, communist sympathizing anti-gun SEIU as they fast track on the “pathway to citizenship“?
While everyone is rightfully cheering action at the border and going after dangerous hombres, that doesn’t mean we have to turn a blind eye and give him a pass on being indistinguishable from Grover Norquist and Michael Bloomberg…
All the while giving cover to Democrat education establishment failures.
Would I rather have Kamala? F— any damned brainwashed apologist who would ask that stupid question.
I’d rather have what MAGA believed it was voting for. Anyone who objects is no different from the willfully ignorant sycophants praising the emperor’s new clothes.
And nope. Still nothing on 2A.
I note some in comments are not only defending but applauding the H-1Bs. [More]
The last thing I have time for is to engage in debates under my own articles, especially since no shortage of posters shielded by anonymity seem to devolve into distractions and confirmation bias-based insults. That said, I don’t like to see some contentions go unchallenged, and I find a lot to be concerned about with some of the observations articulated by Matt Bracken. I had another link by a former HR recruiter explaining scams that H-1B companies engage in, but I guess that was too much free speech for Mr. Musk’s foreign labor-championing X.
Speaking of which, my wife retired after decades as a mainframe programmer, versatile in all the old languages that are still in demand but with an aging pool of qualified IT personnel. She still gets calls for contract openings, and nine times out of ten the recruiter’s English is practically unintelligible. My more tolerant and enlightened betters would say that shows what a dignity-violating racist I am.
I can’t help but recall how The New York Times crowed about Democrat expansion in Virginia a few years back:
“Guns, that is the most pressing issue for me,” said Vijay Katkuri, 38, a software engineer from southern India, explaining why he voted for a Democratic challenger in Tuesday’s elections. He was shopping for chicken at the Indian Spice Food Market. “There are lots of other issues, but you can only fix them if you are alive.”
As with people of all backgrounds, I’ve known a handful of exceptions, people of Indian heritage who are patriots as fine as any I’ve met, but the rule of numbers overwhelmingly results in Grewal and unusual punishment.
The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around. [More]
A sinking ship doesn’t need to take on more water, especially if it means excusing Democrats helping send it to the bottom.