Clean Up Our Mess

Now, the Swiss defence department is offering 50,000 francs (£45,000) in prize money for the best idea to get it out. The best three ideas for a safe and environmental solution to retrieve the munitions will share the prize pot – but the salvage operation is expected to cost billions. [More]

Who are the idiots who thought dumping munitions in pristine lakes was a good idea? What’s their personal liability in this?

And that’s not very much incentive, especially considering several people will undoubtedly have the same idea.

How about offer a substantial piecemeal bounty on munitions retrieved, and let private actors who can meet environmental safety criteria and insure against mishaps get creative?

Submitting my idea to their panel of establishment eggheads, who evidently aren’t experts enough to figure out a solution themselves, looks to be just as big of a clusterf***.

[Via Steve T]

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