Spotty Coverage?

There have been a major development in the case of Kayla Giles. A former Platinum Member of the USCCA who was dropped while still presumed innocent and before all the facts came out. In this video we discuss an important update to the case. [Watch]

It appears there may be another side to the story.

Let’s see if they address or hide critical comments.

[Via Jess]

The Pursuit of Excellence

Mike Waidelich’s Legacy in Combat Shooting [More]

I generally don’t feature guns or training here because I focus on rights and leave hardware and use aspects of 2A advocacy to those competent to present it.

In this case I’ll make an exception. Author Bob Jewell, who I corresponded with and met over a decade ago, contacted me and let me know about his piece in USCCA’s Concealed Carry, and I think enough readers here will both learn from it and appreciate it as a tribute to the memory of a man and his achievements.

The Best Policy?

The Truth About The USCCA Self-Defense Liability Policy (2023) [Watch]

Interesting breakdown, although I do note this guy has his own financial interest in doing this.

I’d be interested in seeing USCCA and some of the gun video personalities endorsing/sponsored by the company do their own videos that address the points raised.

[Via Jim S]


WarOnGuns Correspondent Ron M emails:

Here’s a USCCA response to that year old YouTube that you posted.

Yes, I have USCCA.

I read the contract.

I sent the contract to my legal provider for review (Legal Shield [formerly PrePaid Legal] which is also a monthly membership service).

Based on that discussion, I asked pertinent questions of USCCA.

I still have my membership with USCCA.

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