Take 2 Million Immigrants and Call Me in the Morning

I know this because the media are publishing almost as many stories about the wonders of immigration as they are about Trump being Adolf Hitler. The New York Times, The Washington Post, NPR, MSNBC, the lickspittles at Cato — you can’t open your computer or turn on the TV without encountering a tidal wave of lies about our beloved immigrants. [More]

Good thing this has nothing to do with that “single issue.” And I have that on good authority.

[Via Andy M]

Author: admin

David Codrea is a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament.

One thought on “Take 2 Million Immigrants and Call Me in the Morning”

  1. One interesting piece of useless trivia:

    In the late 1980’s when the last substantive moves were being made to fix our broken immigration laws once and for all, (Heh!) the most common estimate for the number of illegals needing to be brought out from the shadows was 11 – 21 million.

    So here we are, an amnesty and 40 years later, give or take, and the estimates being floated for the number of illegals currently needing to be brought out of the shadows is (wait for it), 11 to 21 million.

    Seriously, where do they get this crap?

    OTOH, “73.6% of all statistics are made up. ”

    From another source, this time on marketing research:

    ‘ I got the analyst who wrote one of the reports on the phone and asked how he got his projections. He must have been about 24. He said, literally, I sh*t you not, “well, my report was due and I didn’t have much time. My boss told me to look at the growth rate average over the past 3 years an increase it by 2% because mobile penetration is increasing.” There you go. As scientific as that. ‘



    About those Trump vs Harris polls….

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